
American Bar Remake

Design for a tem­po­rary instal­la­tion. The Amer­i­can Bar in the first dis­trict — the so-called Loos Bar, built by archi­tect Adolf Loos in 1908 — is to be recre­at­ed as a tem­po­rary instal­la­tion: as a 1:1 copy, in a dif­fer­ent loca­tion and for a lim­it­ed peri­od of time.
The repli­ca is made using unusu­al means and mate­ri­als. The com­plex spa­tial design and the vari­ety of mate­ri­als of the orig­i­nal are repro­duced and at the same time bro­ken up: instead of Car­rara mar­ble and mahogany wood, we use plas­ticine, chalk, foam, mir­ror foil, poly­styrene and wood­en staves.
The instal­la­tion is to be used — play­ful­ly as a bar in the evening and as a café or dis­cus­sion room dur­ing the day; this also changes the space. In the end, it is used up and bro­ken down.

Project study 2008, we pro­duced a sam­ple cor­ner in our own office to test the mate­r­i­al col­lages, from which the fol­low­ing pho­tos were tak­en.

1:1 dou­bling of the Loos Bar in 1010 Vien­na
Pho­tos: Fran­co Win­ter