
Juice bar Opernpassage

Togeth­er with design­er Markus Filgut, the juice bar “The Juiz­za” was designed and remod­eled in the list­ed Opera Pas­sage under Karl­splatz.
In close coor­di­na­tion with the her­itage office, the design takes up the lega­cy of the 1950s and lets vit­a­min pix­els, pas­tel col­ors, ter­raz­zo, tiles, brass and over­sized fruit swirl around.

Togeth­er with Filgut — Retail Mar­ket­ing & Brand Archi­tec­ture
Opern­pas­sage, 1010 Vien­na / Com­ple­tion 2020
Client: com­mer­cial
Team: Georg Noth­durfter, Vic­to­ria Steininger, Flo­ri­an Haim

Aus­tri­an Inte­ri­or Design Award 2021
Cat­e­go­ry: Gas­tron­o­my, Hotel indus­try