
Weidling residential complex

How can exist­ing cores be con­densed with­out shift­ing the scale? Del­i­cate struc­tures fol­low the con­tours of the ter­rain, open and closed spaces, old and new, vol­umes and details com­ple­ment each oth­er — just like in old vil­lage cen­ters. The con­struc­tion method is adapt­ed: Brick walls, tim­ber frame, con­crete skele­ton, sol­id wood ceil­ings, green roofs. The mix of mate­ri­als and the col­ors respond to the his­toric town­scape.

The exist­ing design by archi­tect Sil­via Frac­aro was revised and imple­ment­ed for a com­mer­cial prop­er­ty devel­op­er.

Res­i­den­tial com­plex with 11 res­i­den­tial units (ter­raced hous­es, maisonettes, apart­ments, detached hous­es) with under­ground park­ing and own bridge.
Wei­dling near Vien­na, com­ple­tion 2024
Team: Bea­ta Boros­nyay, Sofia Hra­ban, Batu Dün­dar
Struc­tur­al engi­neer­ing: Helt Zivil­tech­niker GmbH