
Attic conversion Landesgerichtsstraße

Roof con­ver­sion of a Wil­helmin­ian style build­ing on the 2er-Lin­ie with a lec­ture hall, meet­ing and con­sul­ta­tion rooms as well as office work­sta­tions on the gallery lev­el. A mate­r­i­al mix of mar­ble, wal­nut, steel, glass and fab­ric cov­er­ings is intend­ed to com­bine solid­i­ty with light­ness and trans­paren­cy, con­tem­po­rary and tra­di­tion­al.

Togeth­er with archi­tect Wohanka
Landesgerichtsstra0e, 1010 Vienna/ Com­ple­tion 2006
Client: Cen­tral Asso­ci­a­tion of Home­own­ers