
Residential buildings Klosterneuburg

The hous­es are still locat­ed with­in the his­toric city walls, just a few min­utes’ walk from the main square and cathe­dral, with a view of the vine­yards — every gen­er­a­tion is faced with the chal­lenge of con­tin­u­ing to build on the sub­stance of the city.

Revi­sion of an exist­ing design by archi­tect Rein­hard Mux­el.

Res­i­den­tial com­plex with 19 apart­ments and an under­ground park­ing garage
Klosterneuburg near Vien­na, com­ple­tion 2024
Client: com­mer­cial prop­er­ty devel­op­er
Team: Bea­ta Boros­nyay, Batu Dün­dar, Sofia Hra­ban
Struc­tur­al engi­neer­ing: Helt Zivil­tech­niker GmbH